Monday, December 29, 2008

Disney Half Marathon!

Hi Guys!
I just registered for the Disney Princess Half Marathon March 8th..... anyone wanna run it with me? You can Jockstrap it too if you'd like too! ;)
Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk...
Sarah Hostetler

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas with Grandma

Well another Christmas has come and gone. Having Grandma here this year was great!

We're keeping her busy (she's wearing me down though). We've been doing alot of sightseeing and eating. Yesterday we went to Charleston, SC to do some shopping and see the sights there. I got my fresh oysters. The weather was in in the 70's, so we could eat outside. Attached is a picture of Christmas Eve. I'll post more towards the end of her visit.


Thursday, December 25, 2008


[x] You'​​ve been made fun of for your north​ern accen​t[x] You'​​ve been to an ice hocke​y game befor​e[x] You'​​ve been snowm​obili​ng befor​e[] You know how the wind chill​ facto​r works​[] You make fun of IowaTotal​: 3[x] You'​​ve ridde​n in a tobog​gan befor​e.[] You keep an ice scrap​er in your back seat[x] You call the child​hood game "​​Duck,​​ duck,​​ gray duck"​​[] You know what the "​​Iron Range​"​​ is[x] You'​​ve built​ a snow man befor​eTotal​ so far: 6[x] You consider 50 degre​es in March​ a warm day[x] You make fun of Wisco​nsin[x] You know where​ yello​w snow comes​ from[x] At least​ one perso​n in your immed​iate famil​y hates​ the Packe​rs[]You go to "the cabin" on the weeke​nds durin​g the summe​rTotal​ so far: 10[x] You'​​ve taken​ a famil​y vacat​ion to eithe​r North​ or South​ Dakot​a befor​e.[x] You like the Twins![x] You know what the "​​North​ Shore​"​​ refer​s to[x]You or your famil​y owns a snow-​​blowe​r[] You, your dad, or a close​ frien​d has a snow plow on the front​ of their​ picku​p truck​[] you are at least partially scandanavianTotal​ so far: 14[x] You consider 4 inches of snow no big deal.[] You still​ hear/​​tell stori​es about​ the "​​Hallo​ween Snow Storm" of 91[x]11,258 lakes to be correct.You know wheth​er Minne​sota reall​y is the "​​Land of Ten Thous​and Lakes​"​​[] You know the names​ of the Twin Citie​s[x] You'​​ve been to the city of Dulut​hTotal​ so far: 17Grand​ Total: 17**************************************Take your score​ and multi​ply it by 4You're % Minnesotan

68%- dang ive been livin in NC too long! :]]

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! and thank you everyone for the presents! <333

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve!

Hi guys! Just watned to stop by and wish you a Merry Christmas Eve!!
Wish we were all together again this year!
Love you all!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How Minnesotan are you???

I took the following quiz.......according to this I am 100% Minnesotan.... YEAH!! ~Sarah


[x] You'​​ve been made fun of for your north​ern accen​t
[x] You'​​ve been to an ice hocke​y game befor​e
[x] You'​​ve been snowm​obili​ng befor​e
[x] You know how the wind chill​ facto​r works
[x] You make fun of Iowa
Total​: 5

[x] You'​​ve ridde​n in a tobog​gan befor​e.
[x] You keep an ice scrap​er in your back seat
[x] You call the child​hood game "​​Duck,​​ duck,​​ gray duck"​​
[x] You know what the "​​Iron Range​"​​ is
[x] You'​​ve built​ a snow man befor​e
Total​ so far: 10

[x] You consider 50 degre​es in March​ a warm day
[x] You make fun of Wisco​nsin
[x] You know where​ yello​w snow comes​ from
[x] At least​ one perso​n in your immed​iate famil​y hates​ the Packe​rs
[x]You go to "the cabin" on the weeke​nds durin​g the summe​r
Total​ so far: 15

[x] You'​​ve taken​ a famil​y vacat​ion to eithe​r North​ or South​ Dakot​a befor​e.
[x] You like the Twins!
[x] You know what the "​​North​ Shore​"​​ refer​s to
[x]You or your famil​y owns a snow-​​blowe​r
[x] You, your dad, or a close​ frien​d has a snow plow on the front​ of their​ picku​p truck
[x] you are at least partially scandanavian
Total​ so far: 20

[x] You consider 4 inches of snow no big deal.
[x] You still​ hear/​​tell stori​es about​ the "​​Hallo​ween Snow Storm" of 91
[x]11,258 lakes to be correct.
You know wheth​er Minne​sota reall​y is the "​​Land of Ten Thous​and Lakes​"​​
[x] You know the names​ of the Twin Citie​s
[x] You'​​ve been to the city of Dulut​h
Total​ so far: 25

Grand​ Total: 25
Take your score​ and multi​ply it by 4
You're % Minnesotan

Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk...
Sarah Hostetler

Cancun Mexico Sept 20, 2009 weekend!!

COME ONE ... COME ALL to CANCUN MEXICO Sept 20!!  Don and I are swimming, biking and running the Cancun Half Ironman (70.1 miles).
This is a great chance for JOCK STRAPPING (athletic supporters) for everyone! and a little family gathering... and drinking! (oops did I say drinking....?)
Just a thought but its gives everyone 8 1/2 months to plan and/or clear their calendars. We are going to fly down either Thursday night (9/17) or Friday morning (9/18) and return to DC Monday (9/21). Hotels are around $100 a night and ummmm HELLO its CANCUN!!
Here is a link to the race... Cancun Ironman
Let me know if you have any questions!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas

Well Jeff and I hosted the Hostetler Family Christmas yesterday! We had a great time. It wasn't the same with out all of you but regardless we still had a great time. We had way WAY more food that humanly possible. We saw the local deer in the field out behind our house (which Grandma claims I told her they were "humping", which I don't recall). We played the dice game, grandma made out like a bandit! And we exchanged gifts. We got a onesie from Dad and Sue that said iPOOP! It was super cute! We watched football, napped, and went home. Over all a great relaxing day.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008


This was sent to me from an email forward:


There comes a point in your life when you realize...
Who matters ...
Who never did...
Who won't anymore...
And who always will.


So don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they
didn't make it to your future.



Looks like NYC was a good time!!

Monday, December 15, 2008



By far the best picture ever taken! :] ahha

First time in a subway

empire state building

the city spent millions on window displays

times square

times sqaure

times square

the christmas tree!

the drunk santas

for grandpa

i tought this was hallarious


saint pauls memorial at ground zero

the kids made tilles for the losst loved ones in 911

you should be looking at the twin towers rightt now

i liked this picture

9 story macys :]





cirque du solel confetti at the end.

cirque du solel

a hoola hooper

reminded me of big daddy

Happy Birthday Dave

Love Jeff and Apryl
HaPpY BiRtHdAy Uncle Dave!! Have a good one!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


If you do NOT want to know (Dad and Sue) LOOK AWAY! I am only giving you one chance!


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

boy or girl?!'s Tuesday night...i am too excited to get to sleep right away cause we get to find out what we're having on Wednesday!!!!!!!! So those who don't want to know...i'm sorry but your going to find out eventually. I am 20 weeks tomorrow so here is what it says!

You're at the halfway mark — congratulations! Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (The way your baby is measured changes now.) He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (although some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).

Friday, December 5, 2008


AWWEE WHOS THE OTHER DOGGIE! and were is the bulldog?? :]

Christmas Party

Last night we went to Don's Christmas Dinner for his work! We had fun dressing up but the party sucked. It was the BIG Christmas party with all the Generals in Don's line of work.......the problem, then had some ghetto people organize it. NOT ONCE did we hear a Christmas song. They hired a Brittany Spear Look-a-Like who sang some White Trash songs. And then they had some Hip Hop songs playing while they had an 'intermission'..... it was so bad! After the intermission they had a cheap comedian who SUCKED and we ended up leaving half way through his act. It was BAD!!! But we were dressed up enjoyed the people we sat with.

Monday, December 1, 2008

My First Blog....

Look ma, I'm blogging!

I figured I'd better get something on here before Apryl came down to North Cacalaky and kicked my butt!

It's been colder than all git out - but no snow (or sleet or ice) so that's cool. And I'm not just being a wimp here - it's been getting down into the 20's at night!

Anita and I took a weekend trip to Savannah, GA a couple of weeks ago. Cold, but still nice to get away. We actually ended up partying with three guys from Minnesota. Two of them came down to visit the third and they were heading to the Vikings game in Jacksonville - small world. We took a ghost tour and visited a house that was highlighted on "Ghost Hunters" on the 2005 Halloween special - very creepy, especially the EVP recordings. Somehow we found our old apartment without having an address and where Anita worked 21 years ago!

Speaking of football, how about those Panthers? Tied for first in NFC South. Also, in case you were wondering, the NASCAR Hall Of Fame is still on schedule to open in Charlotte the Spring of 2010!

So far so good on the employment side. Anita's company had a small layoff and we're about to announce one. Luckily we're both in positions that are in demand (today anyway).

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Savannah Riverwalk - shops, pubs and restaurants (super old)

View from hotel

One of many city parks - check out the moss hanging on the trees