Friday, January 29, 2010


For a long time I've thought about doing a long-distance walk to benefit the breast cancer cause, and this is the year when I finally say "no more excuses!" Breast cancer has become too widespread and I can no longer continue to sit back without taking action! I hope you'll join and support me in the fight. 

On May 1 & 2, I'll walk as one with a community of thousands in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Washington DC. I chose this event because I'm so impressed that the Avon Foundation for Women addresses the whole picture: medical research into the possible causes, prevention, treatment and cure of breast cancer; clinical care for breast cancer patients; support services for patients and their families; educational seminars; and early detection programs. To learn more, please visit

It's easy for you to join me—no walking involved! Your tax-deductible donation will not only help me reach (and hopefully exceed!) my $1800 fundraising goal, it will also move us closer to the end of breast cancer. To make a donation, just visit my fundraising page at

If you prefer to write a check, please make it payable to "Avon Walk for Breast Cancer" and send to me at: 8557 Wyngate Manor Ct, Alexandria, VA 22309.

Thank you for supporting my commitment.

Happy Walking!

Sarah Butcher




Sarah D. Butcher

I am taking part in Avon Walk for Breast Cancer and will be walking 39 miles over two
days. As a walker, I'm required to raise a minimum of $1,800 to participate, but I plan
to raise much more! To support my efforts please visit the website below to donate.

Thank you very much for your support! DONATE